The Guaranty Trust Fashion Weekend is a consumer-focused fashion exhibition and capacity-building event that aims to promote enterprise within the fast-growing Nigerian Fashion Industry.
Ten years ago, going organic in skincare was the road less travelled by; most Nigerians may use coconut oil to moisturize their hair or apply shea butter to aid hair growth, but only a few would exclusively use natural extracts to take care of their skin.Now, that has changed.
Growing concerns about the chemical contents of conventional skincare products and a cultural renaissance around nature-friendliness has driven the growth of organic skincare products, and alongside it, organic skincare brands. However, popular
as the “organic skincare” trend maybe, there remain grey areas as to what is actually organic and its effectiveness; this article will clear up the former and highlight why, for many, it’s been the best thing since sliced bread.
When we say organic skincare, it essentially means skincare derived from purely natural ingredients free from synthetic or chemical components. It refers to the way the ingredients were farmed and grown. The pureness of these unadulterated ingredients are thoroughly maintained in the best way possible for longevity. But is it really effective?
For one, organic skincare ensures the skin is not exposed to foreign additives and preservatives such as parabens which could cause allergies and eventually damage the skin. Also, these organic products essentially use ingredients that are grown naturally without pesticides or fertilizers, so the planet feels no harmful effect.
Regardless of whether we need total guarantee or lab-based evidence, skincare enthusiasts are more focused on the components of skincare products before purchasing these items and becoming devoted to the brand. Nevertheless, it is advisable to read product labels to decide what works best for you and your health! As health conscious people, we are becoming aware of what kind of food we put in our bodies. This same attitude should also betaken when purchasing skin care products.
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